ஜர்னல் ஆஃப் ஓட்டாலஜி & ரைனாலஜி

A Study of Clinical Profile in Chronic Otitis Media (Mucosal Type)

Dr. Vishnu Kumar

Background and Objective: Hearing impairment and ear discharge are the most common symptom an Otorhinolaryngologist comes across in day to day practice. Chronis otitis media is the most common cause of hearing impairment and ear discharge. Thus chronic otitis media is a significant health problem in developing countries. Hence, every ENT surgeon should have thorough knowledge of the same. Material and Methods: We did a prospective study with the aim to study the characteristic clinical profile in patients diagnosed with chronic otitis media. All the patients were evaluated with detailed history taking and thorough clinical examination. Results: The majority of the patients presented with ear discharge (91%), second main symptom was decreased hearing in (65%), followed by ear ache in (29%), tinnitus in (17%) and giddiness in (7%) being the least. We observed that majority were medium sized perforation 72%. Involving the anteroinferior and posteroinferior quadrant. Conclusion: In the present study we observed that Chronic Otitis Media occurs most commonly in females in the 3rd and 4th decade. Ear discharge being the main symptom followed by decreased hearing and ear ache. Very few complaints of tinnitus and giddiness. Most of the perforations of tympanic membrane were of medium size followed by small size with large size perforation being least. Majority of perforations were involving the Posteroinferior and Anteroinferior quadrants