ஜர்னல் ஆஃப் ஜெனிடல் சிஸ்டம் & கோளாறுகள்

Hirsutism in PCOS - Low Satisfaction of Treatment and its Background

Finn Friis Lauszus and Melina Gade

Hirsutism in PCOS - Low Satisfaction of Treatment and its Background

Evaluating the self-assessment of the effect of treatment on hirsutism together with information about the women’s medical and mechanical treatment of hirsutism. A questionnaire was mailed to 152 women asking for their evaluation of treatment. PCOS was defined as the presenceof amenorrhea, oligo- / metrorragia with anovulation, and elevated plasma-testosterone. The medical history with focus on possible diabetogenic factors, family history, and weight gain/loss over time and hospital records of the 152 women were registered.

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