ஜர்னல் ஆஃப் கிளினிக்கல் & எக்ஸ்பெரிமென்டல் ஆன்காலஜி

Hydrogen ion/Proton Dynamics: A Possible Therapeutic Approach in Malignancy Treatment

Malshe AG

Background: Current research is towards proton dynamics across the cell membrane with a view to make intra-cellular space acidic. Different proton migration inhibitors are being tried, need for developing appropriate transporter with lesser side effects is being felt. These efforts have ignored realising acid-base variations and variant pH leading to impaired glycolysis rate.

Aim:Use of proton rich chemical like hydrochloric acid would rebalance acid-base proportion and bring pH back into accepted range avoiding malignant cell formation. Normalising glycolysis rate would obviate need of developing anti-porter inhibitor compounds.

Design:Hypothesizing; malignancy developed following imbalance between acid-base proportions of intra and extra cellular environment. Proton dynamics via use of proton rich chemical like hydrochloric acid rebalances and bring pH back in the prescribed range, avoiding formation of a cancerous cell.

Method: Hypothesis based on available published work.

Results: Hydrochloric acid restores acid-base proportions, increases oxygen contents of RBCs, CTLs besides acidifying cytosolic environment thus bringing about apoptosis of a malignant cell.

Conclusion: Malignancy is pH dependent. Increasing intracellular alkalinity is the beginning of cancerous development. Adequate availability of proton rich chemical like HCl is essential in maintaining acid-base balance and alkaline pH throughout in the prescribed range, thus avoiding formation of malignancy.