ஜர்னல் ஆஃப் ஓட்டாலஜி & ரைனாலஜி

Management of Intracranial Complications of Acute Sinusitis: Our Experience Regarding a Series of Clinical Cases

Von Wihl S, Bouayed S , Morard M and Hallak B

Sinusitis is a common ear, nose and throat disease which develops from viral or bacterial upper respiratory airway infection. Complications of rhinosinusitis vary from relatively benign to fatal and severe and have been classified into local (5-10%), orbital (60- 75%) and intracranial (15-20%) complications [1]. Intracranial complications consist of meningitis, epidural abscess, subdural abscess, intracerebral abscess, cavernous sinus thrombosis and superior sagittal sinus thrombosis. We present a series of 3 cases of intracranial complications of acute paranasal sinusitis treated in our department of oto-rhino-laryngology from January to December 2015 and review the literature.