ஜர்னல் ஆஃப் ஓட்டாலஜி & ரைனாலஜி

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss during Acute Otitis Media due to Cochlear Otosclerosis

Onur Ergun, Munir Demir Bajin and Levent Sennaroglu

Purpose: The risk of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) as an acute otitis media (AOM) complication is a well-recognized condition. Here, we present a sudden sensorineural hearing loss due to acute otitis media in a patient with cochlear otosclerosis (COS). We hypothesize that the demineralization of otosclerosis around cochlea may have constituted a weak spot and facilitated the crossing of noxious substances into the inner ear. Although many possible means of connection between the middle ear and inner ear has been described, an increased risk of SNHL as an otitis complication at COS patients has not been mentioned in the literature. In order to decrease this risk, preventive pneumococcal vaccination should be offered to COS patients and in an event of AOM, a more aggressive treatment approach should be considered including early myringotomy together with antibiotics.