ஜர்னல் ஆஃப் ஸ்பைன் & நியூரோ சர்ஜரி

Utilization Of Electronic Cell Signaling To Effect Recovery From Peroneal Neuropathy In Patients With Complete Foot Drop

Robert H. Odell

Our treatment experience indicates that the overall outcome depends most importantly on the actual pathological cause of the problem. The authors have successfully treated patients with motor nerve dysfunction by healing the pathology in about 85% of the cases. Depending on the severity of the patient, treatment may require 2-3 months for the surrounding tissue to stabilize, peroneal nerve to regrow and finally to improve both motor and sensory function. With some patients who have suffered from long term, severe peroneal nerve damage, complete restoration may remain elusive and the disability may be permanent. However, even in these difficult cases, we have managed to alleviate the accompanying associated pain and inflammation and regain at least 50% of the motor nerve function. The authors have presented multiple mechanisms, which demonstrate initial facilitation, biosystem stabilization and then quick resolution of the inflammatory process to prevent it from leading to chronic inflammation and chronic pain. Continued treatments with protocol driven, specific-parameter electric signals are then employed to stimulate axon regeneration, neuromuscular training and overall muscle strengthening. While complex, all concepts above fit together when taken into the context of cell signaling and improving cAMP utilization. Through this and the other mechanisms discussed, cellular derangements are returned to normal in a shortened and optimal physiological time.