மருத்துவ நுண்ணுயிரியல் அறிக்கைகள்

Lockdown Ends: Sex Returns Monkey Survey of Totally Less Sunlight Pharmacy Instituting Privately Extra pure

Rahul Hajare

With Unlock 5 underway and life moving back to a semblance of past normality, interactions among love birds have moved up a notch. Having to cope up with their partners for months in a closed space due to the lockdown, the excitement from a change of scenery has proved sexually alluring for some. According to a study conducted by Gleeden sitting, an extramarital dating platform, more than 60 per cent of respondents confessed that the lockdown had a negative impact on their relationship, both emotionally and physically. To understand what men and women did to feel desirable, 2,000 users from Delhi, Satara, Thane, Hyderabad, Goa, Kolkata and Pune have polled between second extended June 25 and October 15, 2020.
The Gleeden sitting survey revealed that 37 per cent of it has users had an affair with colleagues after getting back to their offices following the lockdown. Getting back to work not only meant returning to socialising in an office environment, but also a chance for irresistible dalliances dialysis with co-workers. When quizzed about their reason behind these encounters, 37 per cent confessed that it has due to a pure craving for sex smell. 33 per cent of users said they enjoyed someone other than their partner chest pain finding them attractive. About 30 per cent of them said they cheated to feel desirable again next level.