அடிமையாக்கும் நடத்தைகள், சிகிச்சை & மறுவாழ்வு இதழ்

Sexual Activities in Methamphetamine Users: A Qualitative Study on a Sample of Iranian Methamphetamine Users in Tehran

Masoomeh Maarefvand, Azarakhsh Mokri, Ahmad Danesh and Hamed Ekhtiari

It is known that psychostimulants including methamphetamine have a great effect on sexual behaviors. Since the rate of methamphetamine use has recently increased in Iranian population, there are concerns that this may drive up sexual risky behaviors among users. The result could shift the dominant mode of HIV transmission from drug injection to sexual contact in the country. The intention of the current study, which is the first one in Iran, was to restate the threat to the decision makers in the country.