வெஜிடோஸ்: ஒரு சர்வதேச தாவர ஆராய்ச்சி இதழ்

Authentication of Hybrid Purity in Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Through RAPD Analysis

Rajshree Shukla, Nandan Mehta, Ritu R Saxena and S B Verulkar

Authentication of Hybrid Purity in Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Through RAPD Analysis

For testing seed purity and trueness, GOT (Grow Out Test) is a long term process and therefore, present study was carried out during Rabi-2011. The experimental materials used in the study comprised of four parents viz., Green Long (GL), Pusa Purple long (PPL), IBWL-2007-1 (IBWL), Punjab Sadabahar (PS) and their six F1’s and standard check PH-6. RAPD marker was used to test the hybridity. Out of twenty-nine, only four primers showed polymorphism. namely OPA -14, OPA-08, OPH-01 and OPH-20. According to banding pattern for the primer OPH-01, hybrid between P4 and P2 (IBWL-2007-1 X Green Long) resembles to male parent i.e., Green Long (P2) and in same reciprocal cross P2 and P4 (Green Long X IBWL-2007-1), the banding patterns of F1 hybrid resembles male parent i.e. IBWL-2007-1 (P4). In another hybrid, between P3 and P4 (Punjab Sadabahar X IBWL-2007-1) banding pattern of F1 hybrid resembles to male parent i.e., IBWL-2007-1 (P4). For the primer OPH-20, F1 hybrid between P1 and P3 (Punjab Sadabahar X IBWL-2007-1) banding pattern of F1 hybrid resembles to male parent i.e. IBWL-2007-1 (P3).For the primer OPA- 14, F1 hybrid between P3 and P4 (IBWL-2007-1 X Pusa Purple Long) banding pattern of F1 hybrid resembles to male parent i.e. Pusa Purple Long (P4) and in the same reciprocal cross P4 and P3 (Pusa Purple Long X IBWL-2007-1) banding pattern of F1 hybrid resembles to male parent i.e. IBWL-2007-1 (P3). For primer OPA-18, in F1 hybrid between P1 and P3 (Punjab Sadabahar X IBWL-2007-1), the banding pattern resembles to male parent i.e. IBWL-2007-1 (P3).