வெஜிடோஸ்: ஒரு சர்வதேச தாவர ஆராய்ச்சி இதழ்

Combining Ability and Heterosis Study for Fibre Yield and Yield Attributing Characters in Tossa Jute (Corchorus olitorius L)

Anil Kumar A, Sharma HK, Choudhary SB, Maruthi RT, Jawahar lal J and Jiban Mitra

Combining Ability and Heterosis Study for Fibre Yield and Yield Attributing Characters in Tossa Jute (Corchorus olitorius L)

Present study was carried out to estimate combining ability and heterosis for fibre yield and yield attributing characters among diverse tossa jute germplasm lines and in 21 F1 hybrids derived from 7 x 7 half diallel mating design. Analysis of variance revealed significance of parent’s vs hybrids for most of the characters indicating presence of heterosis. High gca effects for fibre yield, plant height and green weight was recorded by OIN-255. High significant sca effects for fibre yield were recorded in OMU-19 x OMU-27 (19.53**) and OIN-255 x OEX-32 (15.50* ) crosses. Variances for general combining ability and specific combining ability were significant for few characters indicating additive and non-additive gene actions for those characters. High standard heterosis for fibre yield was recorded by OMU-19 x OMU-27 (41.01**) and OIN-255 x OEX-32 (32.47* ) crosses. Genetic parameters indicated that plant height, green weight and stick weight were controlled by additive gene action and basal diameter and fibre yield controlled by nonadditive gene action.