வெஜிடோஸ்: ஒரு சர்வதேச தாவர ஆராய்ச்சி இதழ்

Comparative Study on Leaf Area Index and Growth Parameters of Micrpropagated and Traditional Produced Seed Tubers of Potato Cultivars Kufri Himalini and Kufri Girdhari

Anjuli Agarwal, J P Purwar, Vinesh Panwar and Ripusudan Kumar

Comparative Study on Leaf Area Index and Growth Parameters of Micrpropagated and Traditional Produced Seed Tubers of Potato Cultivars Kufri Himalini and Kufri Girdhari

Comparative study on growth parameters was performed using seed tubers produced through micropropagation and traditional method of potato cultivars Kufri Himalini and Kufri Girdhari. K. Himalini achieved more height than K. Girdhari at 60 DAS. Small sized micropropagated tubers of K. Himalini produced 14.61 (G1) and 2.25 (G2) percent more yield than conventional while in case of large sized tuber 30.62 (G1) and 34.12 (G2) per cent more yield was obtained than large sized conventional tubers. The regression study indicated that yield of potato variety Kufri Himalini and Kufri Girdhari will increase by 82.45 and 91.55 per cent with unit increase of LAI at 45 DAS, respectively.