வெஜிடோஸ்: ஒரு சர்வதேச தாவர ஆராய்ச்சி இதழ்

Effect of Foliar Application of Osmoprotectants and Ethylene Inhibitor to Enhance Heat Tolerance in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Rahul Kapoor and Ravi Kant Bajaj

Combining Ability and Heterosis Studies in Avena sativa L. For Green Fodder Yield and Component Traits

Forty F1 hybrids, obtained by crossing eight lines and five testers selected from oat germplasm available at Forage Research farm, PAU, Ludhiana were evaluated along with parents in RBD during Rabi 2010-11. Analysis revealed significant gca and sca mean squares for most of the traits. Among female parents OL 1696 showed positive gca effects for green fodder yield, number of leaves, number of tillers, stem girth and number of leaves on main shoot. The male parent JHO- 2009-1 was best general combiner for green fodder yield whereas SKO 117 was good general combiner for green fodder yield, number of leaves, leaf length number of tillers, flag leaf length and number of leaves on main shoot. The best specific combinations were OL 1696 x JHO-2009-1, OL 1680 x UPO-09-2, OL 1696 x UPO-09-2 Kent x JO-03-93, OL 1690 x UPO-09-2 and OL 1696 x SKO 117 for different traits. Highest significant and positive heterosis for green fodder yield (1506.1%) was shown by F1 OL 1696 x JHO-2009-1 followed by OL 1696 x SKO 117..